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August 2019

New Features

  • Call Reporting: We have added advanced Call Reporting features that allows you to create Reports on your Calls, view charts based on Submission numbers, load and save generated Reports.
  • Event Grid: We have improved functionality around Event Sessions that allows you to manage Event Sessions more efficiently.
  • Session Conflict Highlights: For events scheduling where conflicts exist, (e.g. overlapping time slots) we have now added a feature that highlights which sessions are in conflict.
  • Assigning Permissions: Administrators now have the ability to assign their users permissions within Slayte.
  • User Groups: We have updated the User Interface for managing users making this more straightforward.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue linked to embedded dialogue windows being misplaced in Calls.
  • We fixed a bug related to missing serverfields in Competitions and Grants.
  • We solved an issue linked to Call category not appearing on Calls.