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November 2018

New Features

  • Submission Author Order: Authors can be re-ordered and marked as “Primary”
  • Easily Identify Submitter: You can now identify who the Submitter is by looking for the black outlined user chip under “Authors” on the submission detail
  • Edit Form After Start: You can now modify labels in a submission form after you've started receiving submissions
  • Skip-Logic Drafts: Submitters can now submit drafts with skip logic and we restore the exact state it was saved in.
  • Submitter Bulk Message: We added two new placeholders, “list of authors” and “submission name”.
  • Events - Filtering Sessions by Users: You can now find an event session by matching against all user fields at once.
  • Calendar Layer Switching: You can now create layers, and move calendar blocks between layers

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue when pasting large text into a rich-text text field.
  • Fixed a Microsoft Edge specific bug when fetching call categories.
  • Impexium Shopping Cart window can be closed after purchase and we track the purchase.
  • Fixed a bug related to uploading word documents.