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Custom Devlopment

As an added service for clients we provide custom development work to ensure our Slayte app covers all the use-cases your organization may need, within one system. Our custom development work comes in two forms:

  • RFA: If you urgently need a new feature added to your Slayte App within a short time frame you can request an RFA. Our development team will examine whether this custom development can be completed within your timeframe in light of ongoing internal projects and an invoice will be sent to your organization if so.

To request an RFA please send an email to: and a member of the team will reach out shortly.

  • NFR: If you would like to see a feature developed in Slayte within the more distant future, you can send us a New Feature Request that we will discuss as a team to verify whether this is a feature that can be incorporated into Slayte. If so, we will integrate this into our future development plans and Product Roadmaps. To request an NFR please add your NFR item to the board below and include as much detail as possible on your exact use-case for this and how you see the feature working:

New Feature Request Board