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The Slayte Platform

Slayte provides an All-In-One solution for managing Calls for content, Reviews, Events Competitions, Grant Applications, Networking Programs and much more. Our cross-platform features allow you to combine modules to seamlessly manage processes for member organizations in one tight system. This Guide will take you through how to use each of Slayte’s modules from the perspectives of different users.

About this Guide

To help you make the most out of Slayte, we have compiled a user guide covering the fundamentals of Slayte. This Guide will leave you feeling confident managing the most important parts of Slayte including:

  • Exploring the User Roles in Slayte
  • Creating your First Call
  • Submitting to a Call
  • Creating Call Reports
  • Creating your own Custom Landing Page
  • The Slayte Modules Explored
  • Managing your Site Plan
  • Our Integrations Explained


The Slayte App includes the following modules:


Calls allow you to manage the process of collecting Submissions for content of your choice.

This could be a Call for academic papers for example, a Call for collecting board nominations or a Call for collecting simple application forms. Calls can be as simple or complex as required, depending on the custom Fields added to the Submission Form.


Slayte's Events module is a powerful tool that allows you to create event sessions for any upcoming event you may have. Event templates can be created to build a predefined outline of your event and they can also be directly exported from your previously collected Submissions.

Once you have built a suitable Events Template that outlines which speaker sessions will take place, sessions can be exported into an external events processor.


Slayte’s Grants App allows you to create, apply, track progress and collect references for grant applications. This provides an all-in-one solution to simplify the process for administering grants. Grant Applications can be created for e.g. PhD applications or any other education application processes.


Slayte’s Competitions App allows you to create, manage, assign judges and decide winners for live competition events. As an administrator you can create a competition and add it to a specific competition Category.


Slayte’s Reach program facilitates the organisation of networking sessions during event programs. These create one-to-one networking opportunities with individuals from different organisations.

App-Specific Guides

Depending on your subscription package your team may find one of the following Guides helpful:

[Link Admin Guides]