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Best Practices

There are a few helpful steps you can take to maximize the results of your planned events.

In this article we've laid out a few useful workflows that can help you streamline the process of managing your event. A few topics covered are:

Using one Template for all planned Sessions

  1. Setting up Conflict Detection
  2. Re-using Template Fields across different events

Using one Template for all planned Sessions

When creating your Events Template we would recommend making one large Template that includes all the Fields you may need, as opposed to creating a seperate Template for each session type. This will make your administration processes more straightforward.

Setting up Conflict Detection

Identifying any clashes in your events schedule ahead of time can prevent any unexpected problems on the day of your event. Conflict Detection is an in-built feature that allows you to automatically highlight any clashes in your Event schedule, based on criteria you decide.

This could be used to e.g. highlight any planned sessions that will use the same speaker twice at the same time in different locations. This article provides more information on how to use this feature.

Re-using Template Fields that will not need to be modified

Template Fields are a list of variables that help distinguish each session such as Speaker Topic, Location, Track etc. If you plan to host multiple Events that are very similar, you can re-use previously created Fields so long as the Field names do not need to be changed. Fields that will not need to be changed depending on the event such as Speaker Topic, are handy to reuse.

More information about using Template Fields can be found here.