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The Calendar View provides a visual overview of scheduled sessions in your event. You can make changes to your scheduled sessions by dragging and dropping them to different date and time slots. To make changes to your Event from the Sessions List View you should refer to this article.

This article will cover the following features:

  1. Sessions Drag & Drop
  2. Managing Unscheduled Sessions
  3. Hide/Display Calendar Items

Sessions Drag & Drop

You can choose which information to display on each Calendar block under Display. When modifying your Event Sessions, you can either modify them directly from the Sessions List as described in this *article*, or you can make changes to the Session Blocks on the Event Calendar. To follow this article you will need to have previously Created an Event and scheduled a few Sessions.

To change the Date or Time of a scheduled Session from the Calendar View you can simply drag & drop a Session Block to the new preferred Date and Time.

To make any further changes to a Session from the Calendar View:

  1. Go to the Homepage and click on the Events Icon

  1. Click on the Event you would like to modify a Session in

  1. Click on the Calendar tab

All your sessions will appear under their scheduled dates on the Calendar. Changes made here will be automatically updated in the Session List view, and vice versa.

  1. Ensure you have the Detail Field enabled (if not click Detail on the bottom of the Calendar)

  1. Click on a scheduled Session on your Calendar

In the Appointment Details window click Edit

Here you can modify any of the Fields added to the Events Template.

  1. Make any modifications necessary to the Session Fields
  2. Click Save at the bottom of the Appointment Detail

Managing Unscheduled Sessions

Unscheduled Sessions are the Sessions that have not been assigned Dates or Times. On the Calendar View you can manage unscheduled Sessions by:

  1. Clicking the Unscheduled tab at the bottom of the Calendar (if this Calendar module has not already been expanded).
  2. Dragging and dropping the Unscheduled Block to any appropriate Date and Time you would like to schedule this Session for.

You can once again hide the Unscheduled Module by clicking Collapse, which will hide this module below the Calendar.

Hide/Display Calendar Items

You can Hide/Display Calendar items to modify which modules you see in your Calendar View. At the bottom of your Calendar you will see the following items:


The Dropzone allows you to drop selected Sessions into this area, while you scroll between Calendar dates. This is useful for rescheduling Sessions that might be months apart e.g. More information about using the Dropzone can be found here.


This Calendar Module allows you to see all the information about a Session that has been added so far (such as its start and end dates, descriptions etc). You can also directly make changes to Sessions from the Detail module by clicking Edit.


This Calendar module displays all unscheduled Sessions in a single column. To remove the allocated Date and Times from a schedule Session, you can drag the Session block to this area.

To display any of these modules in your Calendar View, click on any of the items at the bottom of your Calendar. Alternatively to hide any of these Calendar modules click Collapse on the top-right corner of the Calendar module.
