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Sessions Tab

When you have a long list of Sessions on your Sessions View, Filtering can be handy to find specific Sessions based on search criteria of your choice. You can search for Sessions using any Template Field (e.g. Speaker, Track etc).

In this article you will learn how to:

  1. Use Filters to find specific Sessions
  2. Save and load views

Use Filters to find specific Sessions

When managing your Event Sessions you may need to add changes to scheduled Event Sessions. Filtering allows you to search for Sessions based on a search term related to a Field added to your template.

To Filter to find a specific Session from the Session List View:

  1. Go to the Homepage and click on the Events icon
  2. Go to the Event you would like to locate a Session in
  3. Click Add Filter
  4. Choose which Field you would like to Filter by
  5. Type in or choose a search term
  6. Click Apply Filter

The following dialog will display the results from this search query. To remove any added Filter and return to your original List View click Reset Filters.

Save and load views

The Sessions List View can be modified, reordered and saved for future use. Once you are pleased with your Session list format, you can save your current view by clicking Save View on the left-hand side of the page. The saved view will include any Filters or column sortings added. Whichever filter was last loaded/saved on your Sessions list will be used the next time it is loaded.

You can save as many views as preferred and can load a view by:

  1. Clicking Saved Views on the left hand side of the page
  2. Click on the view you would like to load