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Import Submissions

Importing Submissions is a handy tool that allows you to directly create event Sessions from previously collected Submissions. This avoids extra duplicate work and saves time for the more important Administration tasks.

In this article we will demonstrate the workflow of importing Sessions from Submissions. This includes the following steps:

  1. Configure your Submission Import Settings
  2. Match Static Fields between Submissions and Events
  3. Match Form Fields between Submissions and Events

Configure your Submission Import Settings

The first step to importing your Submissions as Sessions is to configure your Import Settings. These mainly decide which Call you will be exporting Submissions from into which Events Template.

To begin this setup process:

  1. Go to to Homepage and click on the Events icon
  2. Click on the Event you would like to Import Submissions to
  3. Click on the three dots located on the top-right hand side of the page
  4. Click Import Submissions as Sessions
  5. Type in and search for the Call you would like to import Submissions from
  6. Choose which Call Phase you would like to import Submissions from
  7. Choose which Submissions to import

You can either import all Submissions from this Submission Phase, or you can click modify to select individual Submissions to import.

  1. If you would like to create a new Events Template to import Submissions to, click Create new Template
  2. If you would like to import Submissions to a pre-existing Events Template choose a Template from the dropdown list
  3. Click Next

Match Static Fields between Submissions and Events

Static Fields are the Form Fields that are automatically collected on Submissions that users do not have to input themselves such as Call Name, Submission Name, and Primary Author. In order to import Submissions as Event Sessions, we will need to know which Fields should match between the Submissions and Events Template. On this page you can choose which Static Fields to match to which Session Template Fields. If you have added a Title to your Events Template, a good match for this Field would be the Submission Name Field. When Submissions are imported into Sessions, the imported Session Titles will be the name of the Submissions.

  1. Drag and drop Session Template Fields from under Available Fields to match the listed Static Fields from your Submission Form
  2. Click Next

Match Form Fields between Submissions and Events

Next you’ll need to match your remaining Submission Form Fields to your Session Template Fields. These will be all the Submission Form Fields that submitters fill in themselves such as Research Topic.

  1. Drag and drop Session Template Fields from under Available Fields to match the listed Fields from your Submission Form
  2. Click Finish

You have now successfully imported Submissions into your Events Template. You will see the newly added Sessions on your Sessions list.

  1. Fill in any missing details such as the Begin and End Dates in the missing gaps.