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Export to Impexium

Once you have created your Event in Slayte, you may want to take action to further manage it with an external Event Processor. Slayte seamlessly integrates with Impexium to export your created events into Impexium Events, and pull through all event data. Within a few easy clicks you can duplicate all your Events data into Impexium - avoiding any duplication work for you.

In this article you will learn how to:

  1. Setup the Impexium Integration
  2. Export Slayte Events to Impexium

To follow the instructions below, you will need to have a previously created Event in Impexium.

Setup the Impexium Integration

The first step to exporting your Slayte Event to Impexium is to add an integration between the two platforms. Integrations decide which external Events Processor you would like to link your Event to, and which particular Event would you like to move data over to.

To set up an Events integration between Slayte and Impexium:

  1. Go to the Homepage and click on the Events icon

  1. Select the Event you would like to export to Impexium

  1. Click on the Settings icon next to your Event name

  1. Click on the Integrations tab

  2. Click Add Integration

  1. Under Type of Integration select Impexium Events

  2. Type in the name of your Impexium Event under Configure Integration Target

  3. Click Save Integration

  1. Click Save

Export Slayte Events to Impexium

Now you're ready to export your Sessions from Slayte to Impexium. This involves matching Session Fields between Slayte and Impexium to decide which information should be carried over.

To begin the export:

  1. Click the three dots located on the top-right side of the page

  1. Click Export: Remote

Next you will need to choose which Session Fields to include in the export, and which Event Fields to match between Slayte and Impexium. Matching Form Fields between Slayte and Impexium is called Mapping.On this page you will have the following options:

No Mapping

This will be the default option that will not copy over the contents on each Events Session Field over to Impexium. This should be the option chosen for Fields you would not like to carry over to Impexium such as Submission Number e.g.

Session Field

For the Session Fields that you would like to export over to Impexium e.g. Session Title, this would be the option to choose. Click Session Field and next to this select which Field you would like to match to this corresponding Field in your Impexium Event.

Set Value

If you would like to automatically input a value to each Field in Impexium Event Field, you can use a placeholder that will be automatically pull in the value for the named Placeholder.

To complete the export, once you have completed matching your template Fields between Slayte and Impexium:

  1. Click Export

Once you have completed this process you will receive the confirmation message below. Please allow up to 30 minutes for the export to complete. You can additionally view the the Impexium Event you have exported to by clicking View Remote Event.