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Calendar Tab

There are a few features you can use on the Calendar to help manage, search for and modify Sessions. In this article we will explain the following advanced Calendar features to help you make the most out of your event scheduling:

  1. Filtering to search for specific Sessions
  2. Using the Dropzone
  3. Viewing the Calendar in Swimlane Mode

Filtering for Specific Sessions

In the Calendar View you can use Filters to find Sessions if your Template has a Dropdown, Checkbox, Radiogroup or Autocomplete Field. On the left-side of the page you will see the available Filters that can be added to your view (there are a few more Filter options on the Sessions View). Field Values of the Dropdown, Checkbox, Radiogroup or Autocomplete Fields can be clicked on to apply the Filter. This will show up as a selected blue value under that Field.

Selecting multiple values of the same field will show sessions that match ANY of the field's selected values, whereas selecting values in multiple fields leads to filtering for sessions that have ALL those values

Using the Dropzone

The Dropzone allows you to drop selected Sessions into an area above your Calendar, while you scroll between Calendar dates. This is useful for rescheduling Sessions that might be months apart for example.

To use this feature:

  1. Go to the Event you would like to use the Dropzone in
  2. Click on the Calendar tab
  3. If the Dropzone has not already been expanded in your Calendar View, click Dropzone at the bottom of your calendar
  4. Drag a scheduled Session to this Dropzone area from the Calendar or from any preferred Calendar module (e.g. Unscheduled).

Once a Session has been dropped in the Dropzone you can freely scroll between weeks or swimlanes in your Calendar View, and the Dropzone Sessions will remain in your page view.

  1. Once you have reached the time period you would like to schedule this Session in, you can drag the Session block from the Dropzone to an allocated timeslot.

Viewing the Calendar in Swimlane Mode

The Calendar Swimlane Mode allows you to view all scheduled Sessions throughout the day, based on a specific Template Field such as: Track. This is useful for seeing how a specific Field is scheduled throughout the day.

To view the Calendar in Swimlane Mode:

  1. Go to the Event you would like to view the Swimlane Calendar in
  2. Under View Mode choose Swim-Lanes
  3. Under Swimlane Field choose which Template Field you would like to display on the Calendar

On the left-hand side of the page, you can choose to filter by a specific Field option based on your selected Swimlane Field.