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About this Guide

The Slayte Education module allows you to create claim programs for certifications, seminar attendance and much more. Claim Programs are created by adding a list of claimable items to a Program and using a Form to collect information from Claimers.

A few examples:

Exam Board A wants to allow users to claim credits for examinations they have recently completed.

Organization B wants to confirm their employee’s certification for HR training modules.

University C wants to confirm student attendance to compulsory research seminars.

This guide will walk you through the main responsibilities and workflows needed by Administrators in the Education module. You will find step-by-step walkthroughs for the common Admin tasks, as well as screenshot examples to guide you through these.

Let’s define a few key terms that will help you navigate through this guide:

Claim Program

These allow users to claim for credits they have completed, and contain all the settings, forms, templates and claimable items for a Claim.

Claimable Items

These are the credits that you will set up, to allow users to claim for within the Claimable Program.

Claim Provider

These are the official certification bodies that provide the courses/credits that Claimers can complete e.g. an examination board.

Feedback Template

This will be the form that Claimers fill in to complete a Claim.

Speaker Template

This allows you to collect feedback on any speakers/instructors that may have been involved with a Claim Program.

Verification Template

These can be used as a way to confirm whether a user has completed the task they are claiming credits for.


Ratings allow you to collect feedback on variables linked to a Claim Program e.g. Venue Location for a seminar.

How to use this Guide

The Navigation menu on the left will guide you through the Admin workflows of managing a Claim Program, in the most straight-forward order. You can work through the Admin guide from top to bottom, or you can skip ahead to later sections if preferred.

The search bar located at the top of this Guide can be used to search for any specific terms you would like to find out more about.

Have we missed anything?

Do you have any further questions? Are there any topics you feel we have left out? Feel free to reach out to us directly here.

We'd appreciate hearing your feedback.