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Add Claimable Items to your Program

Claimable Items are the credits users can claim in your Programs. Typical use-cases for Claimable Items are training certificates and confirming attendance at a seminar.

To add a Claimable Item to your Program:

  1. Go to the Homepage and click on the Education icon

  1. Next to the Program you would like to add Claimable Items to click View

  1. Click on the Claimable Items tab

  2. Click Add Item

  1. Type in a Name and Description

  2. Click Add Credit and choose a Provider

  3. Choose the amount of Credits you would like to add for this Claim Item

  4. Click Save

You have now successfully added a Claim Item to your Program.

Bulk Update Credits

You also have the option to bulk update the credits in your Program. This allows you to update or add new credits from a .CSV file containing credits.

To begin:

  1. Click Bulk Update Credits

  1. Click Download credits import template

  2. Save the file

  3. Input the credit details you would like to import on the .CSV file

  4. Click Next

*Note: To import credits for the Claimable Items, the Credit name in the import-file needs to match exactly to the Credit name in one of the pre-configured Providers.

  1. Upload your updated .CSV file

  2. Click Upload

You have now successfully imported Credits for your Claimable Items.