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FAQs for Administrators: Calls

How do I create a Call?

Calls are created by adding Submission and Review Forms to a Call Template. This article provides a detailed walk-through on how to Create a Call.

What kind of information can I collect in Calls?

You are able to collect a variety of information in Calls using Field Types such as: Text Fields, Dropdown Menus, Checkboxes, Slider Scales, Attachments and much more. To find out more information on all the Submission Form Fields and Review Criteria Fields available you can read these respective guides.

Can I add scenario-based questions?

Yes, on your Submission Form you can use Skip Logic to create follow-up questions based on previously selected answers. To find out more about how to use Skip Logic to create scenario-based questions, read this article.

What are Call Phases?

Call Phases define the periods where either Submissions or Reviews will be received. There are inherently two types - Submission Phases and Review Phases.

Submission Phase

This covers the period where Submissions can be submitted to your Call. You are able to design a custom Submission Form that will be filled in by Submitters, decide which dates to accept Submissions, and restrict Submission Access to certain users. Read more about the Submission Phase here.

Review Phase

The Review Phase covers the period where Reviewers will evaluate Submissions and provide ratings on them. To eliminate any bottlenecks in the Review process, Reviews can be automatically assigned to a team of Reviewers based on assignment rules chosen by you. More information about the Review Phase can be found here.

Can I add custom branding to my Call?

Yes you can.

There are a few ways you can personalize your Call:

  • Step 1 of the Call Creation process allows you to choose a Name and personalized Introduction text for your Call that will be visible to all users.
  • On step 2 of the Call Creation process you can add a Banner Image that will be displayed on top of your Call.

Can I save the content of my Call before making it Public?

Yes, when a Call is created it will not be immediately released to the public. You must first set the Call to Released/Public for users to be able to access it, this article provides more detail on this. You can also save the progress of your Call at anytime by clicking Save Draft on the top-right side of the page.

Can I edit a Call Template after I have started receiving Submissions?

Up until you start receiving Submissions, you can add as many changes as required to your Call Template directly from the Call Detail.

Once Submissions start being received to your Call however, there will be limited modifications you can make to ensure previously collected Submissions remain valid. This article goes into more detail on why these limitations exist, and which changes will be possible once your Call goes live.

Do Submitters have access to previous Submissions?

Yes, Submitters can find previous years' submissions and access any previously attached documents, almost like a private file cloud.

To find previous Submissions Submitters should:

  1. Go to the Homepage.
  2. Click on the Submissions icon.

This will display all Submissions they have sent to date (excluding any Submissions that have been withdrawn).

How can I assign Reviewers to Submissions?

You can either configure Review Assignments during the Call Creation process, or you can manually assigned Reviews (individually or in bulk) after you have received Submissions. This article provides more information on Assigning Reviews.

Can I adjust Review Privacy Settings to reduce bias in my Call?

Yes you can.

To do this:

  1. Go to the Calls page and click on the Call you would like to edit Reviewer's privacy on.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Under Review Settings you can edit privacy.

There are two main settings which control the level of privacy in the Review process:

Blind Reviews: This setting hides the identity of the Submitter and hides any Field marked as 'Hide in Blind Review' on the Submission Form. More information on how to use this feature can be found here.

Shared Reviews: When multiple Reviewers review the same Submission, you can control whether Reviewers can see Reviews left by others by (un)ticking this checkbox.

Do I need to add a Review Phase to my Call?

No, Review Phases are not mandatory and should only be added if you would like your Submissions to be reviewed after receiving.

Can I close a Call before it reaches its deadline?

Yes you can.

To close a Call at any given time;

  1. Go to the Homepage and click on the Calls icon.
  2. Click on the Call you would like to close.
  3. On the Call Detail click the Edit button on the top-right.
  4. Next to Status click Close Call.
  5. Click Save on the top-right.

To re-open a Call after closing it, simply click Open Call where Close Call previously appeared.

If you were unable to find your issue listed above feel free to reach out to us on our Find Help page, and a member of our Support Team will reach out to you.