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View and Support Submission Drafts

Some Submitters may complete their Submissions halfway and save the remainder as a Submission Draft. Before any upcoming deadlines you can view the pending drafts in your Call, view the authors of these drafts and send a reminder to users about any upcoming deadlines.

In this guide we will walk you through how to:

  1. View Submission Drafts in a Call
  2. Send a Message to Draft Authors
  3. Edit a Submission Draft

If you would like to view the drafts that are currently pending in your Call:

  1. Go to the Call you would like to view pending drafts in

  2. Click on the Submissions tab

Here you can see how many drafts are pending in the Call on the top-right.

  1. Click More to view additional information on the users who have pending drafts and their draft progress.

  2. If you would like to send a message to draft authors click Send Message.

  1. Use the Checkboxes to select which draft authors you would like to send a bulk message to

  2. Choose whether you would like to Write your own Message or use a pre-existing Message Template

For this example we will demonstrate with writing your own Message but feel free to find out more on using Message Templates here.

  1. Type in a Message Subject and Body

  2. Once you are pleased with your Message Body click Send Message

*Tip: You can automatically personalize the bulk-message sent to each draft author by using Placeholders. Placeholders pull-in user-specific details (such as the author's First Name), allowing you to personalize the messages sent in bulk. Find out more about using Placeholders here.

Edit a Submission Draft

As Administrator you can additionally edit a Submission Draft or complete the Submissin on behalf of the user. This can be useful if the Submitter is facing technical difficulties with submitting themselves.

To edit a Submission Draft:

  1. Click More on the top-right

  1. Click View/Edit next to the Draft you would like to modify

  1. Add and required changes

  2. Click Finish

You can additionally any Drafts that are currently pending in your Call by:

  1. Click More on the top-right

  1. Click Delete next to the Draft you would like to remove